Sexual abuse is a horrific act that leaves survivors dealing with a variety of deep and painful injuries, often including overwhelming guilt or shame. The effects of sexual abuse can remain with a person for the rest of their life and published studies have shown that the trauma from sexual abuse can cause changes to the structures in the brain. In many cases, the psychological effects on a survivor of sexual abuse grow over time. If you are the victim of sexual abuse, you may have a case for compensation under Connecticut law. This may represent your best chance at securing a measure of justice. A Stamford sexual abuse attorney from Slager Madry is here to give you a voice. We can provide more than just legal representation; we can help connect you with resources that help you heal while protecting your privacy at every step.

We Speak on Behalf of Abuse Victims

Unfortunately, sexual abuse can take many forms. The Stamford sexual abuse attorneys from Slager Madry pursue cases of child victims who were abused by those in positions of authority, including teachers, coaches, doctors, therapists, aides, or clergy. Typically, the cases we handle focus not on claims against the perpetrator, but on institutions that enable the abuse by giving abusers access and failing to take reasonable steps to ensure there’s a safe environment for children..

Not all sexual abuse cases involve juvenile plaintiffs. If you suffered abuse as a child and are only now able to pursue legal action as an adult, you could still have a case for compensation. While the statute of limitations applies in these cases, adults who were abused as children have at least until they turn 48 years old to bring a claim for damages for abuse they suffered as a minor. Adult victims also may have grounds to seek compensation through a civil case.

Every case is unique, and every victim deserves to be heard. Let a Stamford sexual abuse attorney from Slager Madry listen to your story and answer any questions you might have about your legal rights.

How the Statute of Limitations Works With Sexual Abuse Cases

For a typical personal injury case, plaintiffs have two years to file legal action from the date of their injury. However, there is nothing typical about sexual abuse involving a juvenile victim. In many cases, it can take years for a person to come to terms with what happened to them as a child. Recognizing this fact, Connecticut has dramatically extended the time limit to file a sexual abuse lawsuit based on events that occurred during childhood.

Under current law, depending when the abuse took place you have at least 30 years from the date of your 18th birthday to pursue legal action based on the sexual abuse you suffered as a child. Determining the exact deadline to file a lawsuit is a complicated matter that is best left to your legal counsel. Never assume the time to pursue justice has passed.

Making the Case for Sexual Abuse in Court

There are challenges that come with proving a sexual abuse case, particularly when the events in question happened many years ago. The good news for plaintiffs in a civil suit is that the burden of proof in these cases is much lower than in a criminal prosecution. While the state must establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to secure a conviction of a crime, you face a much lower bar in proving liability in a civil case.

The evidence used in these cases can vary dramatically. If your abuser was charged with a crime, the criminal investigation might turn up all of the evidence you need to prove your case. That does not mean it is impossible to move forward in cases where the abuser was never arrested, however.

Medical records might be used to show that a sexual injury occurred, and evidence of mental health counseling can corroborate that you suffered a traumatic event. Your own testimony and the testimony of any witnesses can also have a major impact on these cases.

Often, these lawsuits target the institution that enabled or allowed the abuse to occur. In these cases, there must be evidence that the facility or organization should have known that the abuser or setting was dangerous but failed to address the issue. The most common evidence involves hiring someone with a prior criminal conviction for a sexually-based offense.

What Damages Might Be Available?

When you work with a Stamford sexual abuse attorney, you could be entitled to recover a wide range of compensation. This includes the following:

  • Medical care. If you required medical care, the cost of that treatment could be covered through a personal injury lawsuit. This includes both your past and future medical needs.
  • Psychiatric care. Often, the emotional scars of sexual assault last long after any physical injuries have faded. You could be entitled to damages based on your need for psychiatric care.
  • Pain and suffering. You could also have a case for compensation based on your physical and emotional pain. This extends beyond the physical pain and injury you experienced and covers any emotional distress flowing from the physical injury you experienced. In many cases, the emotional toll can last for years.
  • Lost income. For some people, the extent of the trauma is so great that they experience a significant loss of income due to the impact on their ability to work.

It is impossible to predict your case’s outcome or make any guarantees about your financial recovery. What Slager Madry attorneys can promise is that we will provide compassionate legal service while advocating on your behalf.

Contact A Stamford Sexual Abuse Attorney From Slager Madry LLC Right Away

No one should have to face the trauma of sexual abuse on their own. Whether you survived abuse as a child or have recently faced sexual assault, you have the right to pursue legal action. In some situations, this might be your best chance at obtaining a measure of justice against not only the abuser but those who allowed them to harm you. At Slager Madry, a Stamford sexual abuse attorney is prepared to stand by your side and serve as your voice during this challenging time. We will look into your needs and protect your legal rights along the way. Contact us today to learn more during a free consultation.