Slager Madry LLC’s law practice focuses on significant and complex cases. We limit ourselves to cases that involving only the most serious injuries, usually permanent injury, death, or significant economic loss.  Events like these are sometimes referred to as, “catastrophic events,” and we have special experience in these kinds of cases.  We intentionally limit the number of cases we accept so that we handle only the most serious cases, and in the best possible way.

Everything about our firm is designed to assist in catastrophic event litigation, from our lawyers and staff — all of whom are experienced working on cases involving catastrophic injuries — to the layout of our office space and our computer systems and software, all of which are designed to help us effectively litigate catastrophic injuries. 

Not every serious injury is preventable by reasonable care, but many are. The attorneys at Slager Madry can investigate and advise you whether the catastrophic event you or your loved one suffered was preventable with reasonable care, and, if so, whether you can pursue legal claims.

You Could Recover Compensation For Catastrophic Injuries in Stamford

If you have suffered serious injuries in Stamford, Fairfield County, or another part of Connecticut, you could be entitled to a wide range of financial compensation. These awards are designed to cover your financial, emotional, and physical losses. Some of the damages that may be available include the following:

Pain and Suffering

Catastrophic injuries usually bring immense physical and emotional pain. Although no two people experience pain exactly the same, courts and juries can award damages based on the extent of your suffering. Our firm can show a judge or jury how your pain impacts your quality of life.

Medical and Counseling Bills

If your case is successful, you could recover compensation based on the cost of your medical care. With catastrophic injuries, these expenses may not only be significant, but they could also continue for years to come. You could recoup the cost of surgical procedures, hospitalization, or physical therapy.

Lost Wages

One of the frustrating parts of suffering a catastrophic injury is that you could be forced to miss work. Suddenly, losing your primary source of income can throw your financial situation into distress—especially if you are also saddled with major medical bills. With the help of our team, you could be entitled to recover damages based on your past and future lost wages. If you are permanently disabled, you could be entitled to compensation for the wages you would have earned throughout the rest of your life. 

Loss of Life

Connecticut law permits people to claim compensation for the loss of life caused by the carelessness of another, including the death itself, the loss of the enjoyment of life’s activities, and the decedent’s lost income.  Our law also recognizes that serious injuries and death of a loved one impacts the surviving spouse.  As a result, Connecticut law permits surviving spouses to make claims for injuries the surviving spouse has suffered because of the injuries or death of a husband or wife.


Catastrophic injuries often involve permanent scarring or the loss of certain body parts or functions. There is both a physical and an emotional toll that comes with this type of permanent loss. Much like your pain and suffering, you could be entitled to damages based on how your life has been impacted by your disfigurement or loss of limb. 

How Slager Madry Can Help

There are many reasons why relying on the skill and experience of an lawyer who handles civil cases involving catastrophic injuries at Slager Madry LLC is important. The cases are complex, and the defendants and their insurance companies typically have the resources to fight back. An attorney on your side can help even the odds. Slager Madry LLC can provide you with the same high caliber lawyer that multi-million-dollar companies can access

Our lawyers are experienced in handling complicated events involving catastrophic injuries. We will deal with every aspect of your case from start to finish, ensuring you have an advocate who always puts your interests first. Some of the ways we can help include:

Investigating Your Situation

Before you can negotiate a settlement or file a lawsuit, you will need a clear understanding of how the catastrophic injury happened, and whether it was preventable by reasonable care. A Slager Madry LLC lawyer who handles civil cases arising from catastrophic events will carefully review the facts, starting with the investigation reports. We will review available videos and talk to witnesses, all with two goals in mind: identifying the at-fault parties and determining the extent of your losses.

Gathering Records

Building a case for negligence requires stacks of documents, and a Slager Madry LLC lawyer who handles catastrophic injury cases can help you gather them. This includes everything from your medical records to reports related to any investigation of the events.  

Identifying Your Damages

Another important part of any civil case related to a catastrophic event is determining the types of damages you have suffered. It is impossible to guarantee a specific outcome or predict what a settlement offer might include, but our attorneys can help you understand the types of damages that might be available.

Negotiating with the Insurance Company

A settlement offer sometimes happens in these cases, but that does not mean the offer is worth accepting. Our firm can negotiate with the insurance company and advise you on what is fair and reasonable. It will always be your decision whether to settle your case or not, but we will provide you with all the information you need to make the right choice.

Taking Your Case to Trial When Needed

Our goal is to secure a fair settlement without the need for you to ever set foot in a courtroom. While many cases play out this way, there is always the potential that yours could go to trial. We prepare every case we take for trial and will ensure you are prepared while continuously being open to the possibility of a settlement until the last available moment.

You Have Limited Time to Pursue Legal Action

You or your child may have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit after being hurt, but this opportunity will not last forever. The statute of limitations, the legal deadline that applies to most lawsuits, governs your case. If you wait too long to file, you could miss out on your chance to recover damages.

In general, if a claim is based on negligence, you have two years from the date of the accident to file your lawsuit. This period is longer for cases involving sexual assault and exploitation of minor victims. There are a few exceptions that can increase or decrease the amount of time you have to act, so it is important you seek advice from a qualified attorney experienced in this area to avoid forfeiting your ability to seek compensation.

If you miss this deadline to file your lawsuit, the court can permanently bar you from recovering compensation in the future. You would be wise to have a Slager Madry LLC lawyer who handles catastrophic injuries make sure you comply with this time limit.

Reach Out to a Slager Madry LLC lawyer who handles Civil Cases from Catastrophic Events Today

Catastrophic injuries change the course of your life forever. While no amount of money can ever turn back the clock or undo your severe injuries, it can provide you with the resources you need to regain your quality of life. A settlement could pay for your medical bills, compensate you for your pain, and replace your lost income. At Slager Madry LLC, we understand what is at stake in such a situation. Let a Slager Madry LLC lawyer who handles civil cases related to catastrophic injuries help you pursue justice. Contact us today for a free consultation.